Tuesday, November 2, 2021

STS Disk 1 AKA 1 Billion pushups

 So yesterday evening, I did my first STS workout.  STS disk 1  Chest Shoulders and Biceps.    

After a short warmup, we literally just go right into 3 sets of pushups.  And not regular pushups but ones like 1 full rep 1 half rep, and that's 1. 😮  And there are more after that.   I just simply couldn't  manage to do them all.   So I did what I could and modified until I couldn't anymore.

Me, before the workout LOL

And its amazing how moving more and trying to watch what I eat makes the scale go down.  As of this morning, I'm down 5.4lbs so I'm pretty happy.   Don't any fat acceptance people come on my blog cause I'm NOT accepting myself as fat.  I need to lose fat for my health.  Its not healthy for me.  My feet are more tired at the end of the day.  My cholesterol is hovering right around that "to high" level.  And my fat is focused around my belly which they say is the worst place to be.  So goodbye fat!

Back to counting calories,  Right now I'm using My Fitness Pal, but trying out Chronometer.  The only bad thing, I have all my recipes in MFP and I'm not sure I want to do that in Chronometer lol.  Maybe over the next couple weeks I'll get more of my recipes entered into Chromometer cause a friend of mine used it and really likes it.

Today, keep my step count up, get my hair and nails done, and get a light workouts in.  And run around after a 2 year old LOL

Had my Well Woman today... ugh

 Ok so maybe it's not the worst thing ever, but ladies, I think we all know that the "scootch to the edge of the table and put your...