Monday, September 2, 2024

We're in the "ber" months now!


My favorite months!  It cools down, Halloween, the bugs all die and go to hell, Halloween, scary movie month, Halloween, Christmas. Halloween LOL  I like Halloween, what can I say.  

I officially started my Walking challenge yesterday.  Two days in the month and I've walked more than my 15 min for both!  YIPPIE.

I also got back to lifting heavy again today.  Man it felt great!  Chest shoulders and just a bit of booty work.  It's time to start building that booty. So I'm tacking on a little booty work on after upper body days. 

Now for the month of Sept, I'm only going to lift 3 days a week.  It's a break in period. Then I'll take a week off, do some of my DVD workouts, and then my plan is to go up to 4 days a week of lifting.  2 leg/glute days and 2 upper body days.  I'm also planning on sticking with walking 15-30 min every day, minus days I'm sick of course.  But I don't get sick very often so that's a good thing.

I also got this book out.  

I read a big chunk of it a couple years ago. So I got it out and decided it's time to really read it.  I'm only on chapter 2 but me and my highlighter have hit up a few phrases that spoke to me.  

It feels good to get back to really trying to take care of myself.  I lost 24lbs, and regained 7.5.  Which pissed me off.  It just feels good to work on getting that 7.5lbs I regained off, and then I can focus on losing the 25-30lbs I want to get rid of.  I want to be a fit and healthy grandma for all my grandkids, and for me as well. 

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