Monday, September 30, 2024

Well that sucked

 So I went on antibiotics for about 10 days due to an infected cat bite.  My own fault for getting bit.  Anyway, I had a 10 day course of Bactrim and Clindamycin.  I finished up on Wed.  Noticed a bit of a rash around my right forearm close to where the bite was.  Nothing much.  Thought I rubbed up on something taking care of my horses or the fly spray I sprayed the horses down with got on me.  No big deal


I woke up Thursday like this

And the rash didn't just cover my back.  Oh no.  On my chest, belly some down my legs.  I even had a few hives on my toes. And on my face as well.  Thank goodness not much on my face cause well, having facial hives was making me a little like "am I going to start getting throat swelling?"  

So itchy  I literally wanted to scratch my skin off cause if my skin was off, maybe it wouldn't be itchy anymore.    It got worse, and worse and worse as the day went on. 

Finally I went into the doctor on Friday and well. I'm on Prednisone now.  And Benadryl, and Pepcid cause Pepcid also has antihistamine properties.  and to double up on my Zyrtec for a week.  

I am SO DRY now.  My mouth and lips feel so dry.  And I still look like some sort of runaway from a leprosy colony.  But it's fading.  And it's no longer itchy.  Thank goodness.  I hope in a few more days I won't be covered in a rash cause it does just look bad.   And sweat still makes it feel itchy, so I'm going to reduce my intensity of workouts for a few more days.   Cause I'm finally getting better, and I don't want to go backwards.   

Here's hoping that my rash goes away really quickly and I can get back to crushing my workouts again really soon. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

This was me on Friday

 Yep, I did a leg day on Wed.  Now Thus I was plenty sore, but man on Friday I was MEGA sore.  And I kind of liked it in a weird way.   

Silly thing is, I'm doing leg day again on Monday.  I'm going to bump up my weights to 4 days a week with 2 leg/glute days.  So I'll not be able to walk at all all week long LOL.  Oh well.  You don't build a booty without doing leg/glute work a few times, right.

My walking challenge has been going great.  I've walked at least 20 min everyday this month.  And I've doing some sort of workout for 9 days in a row.  I'm feeling better, sleeping a little better, and overall just feel really good.  

I've been also working on getting in one more serving of fruit/veggies every day.  Just one more cause I want to make it a habit.  And I'm working on getting a little more protein in my diet and cutting out sugary snacks.  I need to get back into the habit of eating a higher protein breakfast.  I tend to have way less "I want a snack"  in the evenings when I get a good amount of protein at breakfast time.   So maybe tonight I'll make up some hard boiled eggs cause they are a quick easy breakfast staple for me. 

I need to really decide what reward I want to give to myself when I finish this walking challenge.  Cause I'm going to do it!

I think in Oct I'm going to try a Soft 75 challenge.  I mean, why not, right. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

We're in the "ber" months now!


My favorite months!  It cools down, Halloween, the bugs all die and go to hell, Halloween, scary movie month, Halloween, Christmas. Halloween LOL  I like Halloween, what can I say.  

I officially started my Walking challenge yesterday.  Two days in the month and I've walked more than my 15 min for both!  YIPPIE.

I also got back to lifting heavy again today.  Man it felt great!  Chest shoulders and just a bit of booty work.  It's time to start building that booty. So I'm tacking on a little booty work on after upper body days. 

Now for the month of Sept, I'm only going to lift 3 days a week.  It's a break in period. Then I'll take a week off, do some of my DVD workouts, and then my plan is to go up to 4 days a week of lifting.  2 leg/glute days and 2 upper body days.  I'm also planning on sticking with walking 15-30 min every day, minus days I'm sick of course.  But I don't get sick very often so that's a good thing.

I also got this book out.  

I read a big chunk of it a couple years ago. So I got it out and decided it's time to really read it.  I'm only on chapter 2 but me and my highlighter have hit up a few phrases that spoke to me.  

It feels good to get back to really trying to take care of myself.  I lost 24lbs, and regained 7.5.  Which pissed me off.  It just feels good to work on getting that 7.5lbs I regained off, and then I can focus on losing the 25-30lbs I want to get rid of.  I want to be a fit and healthy grandma for all my grandkids, and for me as well. 

Well that sucked

 So I went on antibiotics for about 10 days due to an infected cat bite.  My own fault for getting bit.  Anyway, I had a 10 day course of Ba...