Friday, June 17, 2022

New workout clothes, and new(old) program

 So this week I've done some soul searching.  Like what do I really want as goals, and what do I really want to do for workouts.

And while I've got lots, and I mean LOTS of workout DVDs I have almost no desire to actually do them. Oh, I'll do one here and there, mostly if I want to take it easier, or a cardio one. But to actually, say, do a Cathe rotation, or a Firm rotation, I've got about a 5% desire to do that.

Now, lifting weights, this is what I'm drawn to.  So that's what I'm going to do.  The hard part was to figure out what program I want to do.

I literally spent hours looking at all the programs I've got, either in book form, or online. I really thought about doing one called Up and Down Mass by Jim Stoppani.  Its a very solid program.  I also looked at a few other programs by Jim Stoppani, but a lot of them involved either equipment I don't have at my home gym set up, or going back and forth between moves that again, is harder with my small home gym set up.

Then I looked at my books Strong Glutes, but well, while yes, I want to build a butt, I also want to do more than just that. I also looked at my New Rules of Lifting, and New  Rules of Lifting for Women, but I'm not feeling those programs.

Then in a Facebook group I belong to, Thinner Leaner Stronger, after the book written by Michael Matthews,  they asked if anyone was starting soon.  Now I've done the first phase of the program a couple times, and actually liked the program.  One time I quit cause we moved and another I just flaked out. 

So this weekend I'm doing a reread of this,

 The Thinner Leaner Stronger book and going over the workout program.  Right now I'm going to lift 3 days a week just to get back into it. And I'd like to spin 1 to maybe 2 days a week. Then as I get back to the swing of things, move up to 4 days of lifting. And there is a really cool group of ladies all starting with in a week of me starting, so we are going to cheer each other on as we go though this journey. That's going to be really nice to have women cheering each other on.

And cause I can I ordered these.

I mean look at them!  Are they not the best!  I sure think so.

I'm also going to enjoy a little bit of a splurge eating wise, this weekend.  Hubby is off going to Tenn. to help his sister move back to Iowa.  So I'm babysitting the 2 girls alone which I'm very thankful for playpens, and the movie Lilo and Stitch😁  Maybe tomorrow we might watch Moana or Encanto.   Then I'll read my book, and set up a fitness planner.  Look for pictures in my next blog.  I think I'm both gonna go back to something I've used before and add new things to it

I've also set up a new food tracker Cronometer. I've head really good things about it, that its a little more accurate than My Fitness Pal.  I need to add more of my recipes to it cause that will make tracking much easier.

And on Sunday, the dreaded measurements and starting pictures will be taken. 😭  But then I hope in 8 weeks I'll see a big change, or at least a change in the right direction. That's the plan and the goal anyway

Monday, June 13, 2022

So, I had a colonoscopy today

 Obviously I'm home now.  πŸ˜‚  It went very well, and my surgeon, Dr Wehling, was great and told me everything was clean, he could see what he needed to see and I'm good for 10 years! πŸ’–

Now, yes the prep wasn't great, but to be honest, it wasn't horrible. I mean, not really horrible.  There are so many worse things out there.  This is the prep I did.

A container of Miralax mixed in a sports drink, as long as its not red cause you don't want to have red staining for the surgeon to see in your colon cause that's not a good thing.

And you take 4 laxative tabs.  Then every 15-20 min you drink your miralax until its gone.

And about 3 hours later, you start um "going" if you know what I mean LOL.  

But its all done, and lets hope that in 10 years they invent something like a tricorder from Star Trek and just scan my tummy 

Hopefully he doesn't say "she's dead Jim"   πŸ˜‚

So now, I get to rest a little today cause they did say to take it kind of easy today.  I might go down after I take a nap, and vacuum my gym cause my cats decided to have a fight and there is fur everywhere. And tomorrow back to clean eating, and workouts!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Someone make me get up LOL

 Today, its the day off from the grandkids.  We babysit our 2 granddaughters, but typically we have Wed off.

And so far, I've not gotten much done LOL.  I have a load of laundry ready to get thrown in but its still sitting in the basket in my bedroom lol. And I need to clean out the fridge and make room for new stuff. 

I also want to steam clean a couple areas of the carpet where Charli the 2 1/2 year old, has done her makeup, and the carpet's makeup lol  But well, that's so much work.

I did manage to get the bills paid so I did do something today.

Oh and I ordered this

I ordered a size B6 instead of the usual A5 cause B6 is bigger. This will be my lifting log book.   Gonna write out my workout and keep track of what lifts I do,  how long it took and how much I lifted.   I wanted the bigger size to have more room to write  cause I do have a bullet journal I could have used but its the A5 size and I do think the B6 will suit my needs(wants) better. 

I love butterflies.  I mean they are such a symbol of transformation, which is what I want to do. Transform myself from a chubby person to a fit and healthy person.

So maybe I need to get myself up and do something.  Get than laundry tossed in the washing machine, clean out the fridge and order some fresh fruits and veggies from Capital City Fruit.  Their stuff is always so good.

I took a whole week off!

My hubby is away for about 10 days.  I don't mind. He was military and gone sometimes for months after 9/11 and I'm very use to both...