I've LOVED Wonder Woman since the TV show, back in about what, 1976-77? Something like that. I mean I was a kid, but I loved that show. So much so, my mom got me a couple books that were compilations of Wonder Woman comics from the 40s and 50s, and I also had the Wonder Woman action figure. Played with her so much. I even broke her foot off, cause apparently the Wonder Woman action figure wasn't destined to jump out of her invisible jet AKA the staircase at your grandma's house. I glued her foot back on, and it was mostly ok, esp, with her big red boots to hold her foot on 🤣
But I have always loved strong AF women since then. Wonder Woman, Ripley from Aliens, Vasquez from Aliens, Xena, you get the picture.
So I found a workout program that I did a few changes to, partly cause I don't have quite all the equipment to do it, and partly cause I don't want to work my already thick AF calves that much, and I decided to call it Wonder Woman. It's a 5 week program, 4 workouts a week.
Did week 1 this week. It went pretty good. I felt pretty strong.
I also did measurements at the beginning of the year. A little surprised I was down a little in my waist, navel and hips. Esp considering I gained about 3.5lbs over the holidays. I'll take it. I'm also down half a pound since getting back on track at the beginning of the year, and considering I'm back lifting heavy which comes with some water retention, and I'm taking creatine daily, which also has a little water retention, I'm pretty happy with my weight loss.
I'm going to leave on this note.
Whenever I see anything Wonder Woman, I think of you! Congrats on finding a program you like, and even bigger congrats for your great success!