So I turned 51 today. Over half my life is over cause well, I'm planning on making it to 100! Yep. So I need to get my body ready for this second half of my life
I made me a list.
Yes, my handwriting isn't the best, but in my defense, my cat Loki was attempting to eat my pen while I was writing. There are 25 DVD and streaming workouts on this list. I will get 22 of them done by Aug 31. So far I've done 3 so I'm doing ok I think.
And already I'm thinking of what I want to do after I'm done with this challenge. I think by Sept 1 I'll be ready for heavy weight lifting again. I've got a couple lifting programs I'm thinking about. One is a short thing, I think 6-8 weeks and the other is LONG term a full year, but with a new routine every 8 weeks or so. I know I have a month to decide but I do want to say I've done both.
Maybe what I should do is do the short program, or two cause there is 2 shorter programs I've looked at,then take a couple weeks to do whatever, and move into the year long one! Every 8 weeks they have a deload week and I could just do my videos or whatever, during that week and then go onto the next phase.
I'm going to be taking measurements again in the next few days. UGH. Maybe I'll wait until the first of the month cause I'm SO BLOATED from eating out tonight. Yes, we went out to eat with my oldest, her hubby and of course the most important person, my granddaughter LOL Yep I ate all the foods 🐷
So back to reality in the morning. I'll have lots of fuel for tomorrow's workout.
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