Friday, July 16, 2021

So I have a LOT of DVD workouts

 Want proof?   Here's most of them.  No this is not all of them. I have some in other places, but this is probably 95% of them

And quite a few of these are virgins, meaning I've not gotten around to actually DOING them yet.

So here's what I'm going to do.  So I've got this newish notebook

I'm going to pick 22 workouts from my collection.  Make it a nice blend of workouts I've done and workouts that I need to do.   Write them down in my wonderful Wonder Woman notebook here.  And then between now, and Aug 31 I'll do them, and mark them off. 

Now I know 22 workouts isn't very much in a 6 week period of time.  But well, considering I've done about that many workouts in the last 4-5 months, its a step up.

And I've also started writing down what foods I'm eating.  Not calories, not macros, just the food I stuff in my mouth.  I want to make this a habit.  Then sometime next month, I'll start writing down calories.  And after that's a habit, I'll start tracking my macros.

I need to get myself into a better state of fitness.  I want to be around for all my grandchildren,  future grandchildren, and future great-grandchildren.  I don't want to end up in the nursing home simply cause I've let myself get so weak I can't get myself on and off the toilet. The time is now!

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I took a whole week off!

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