Wednesday, October 27, 2021

I found my book!!!

 So I'm starting STS in a few days.  I've had it FOREVER.  I mean I preordered it when it first came out over 10 years ago.  More like 15 years ago I think.  Goodness, has it been that long😮

Anyway, when I got the set, it came with a book, and I found it the other day.  Its really going to help me prepare for each workout. 

Here's what the cover looks like.  Yes its beat up.  I've had it quite a long time  lol

And here's a couple shots of what's inside.  

This page starts to show an overview of the rotation. 

And this page, one of many, shows every days workout, what you'll be doing, how many, etc.  This is what I'll use a lot when I'm trying to set up for each day.

Now STS is only 3 days a week, so I'll mostly try to lift M,W,F and do at least 1 cardio day, maybe 2, if I can work up to it.    Probably a day of spinning and maybe a day of a walking workout, either on the treadmill, or something like Leslie Sansone.  Or maybe some elliptical work while watching tv or dig out one of my old Tae Bo workouts. Yep, I still have a bunch of those VHS, you read that right VHS tapes.  I'm lucky enough to have a dual player for DVD and VHS. 

Now, I need to eat my lunch and get ready to leave. I'm off to I hope, buy a new printer/scanner since mine has always been a PIA and now isn't working at all and a new vacuum since mine decided it was through working as well.  Might be an expensive day. 


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