Sunday, October 17, 2021

My attempts at tracking fitness

 I keep going back and forth between using a planner, or making a bullet journal for tracking my fitness journey.  Both have good and bad about them. 

My main thing I don't like about bullet journals is I want it to be all artistic and pretty, but my artistic ability is about equal to my 2 year old granddaughter.  😟   And sometimes I just don't want to do all the work in dating, and making a layout even for simple things.  I just want to plug stuff in. 

I used a bullet journal for the last 3 weeks, but I just didn't feel like doing all that, so I got this back out.

This is a Big Teacher Happy Planner that I got a different cover for.

Now this is what it actually looks like on the inside.  But I do a little switching things up. 

I white out the dates, and figure out what I want to track for the week.  I need to pick out a goal.  It says  daily goal, but I'm going to make it a weekly goal. I'm thinking of doing something like  "workout 4 days this week"  

I've slacked off this last week ,but I've been SO TIRED.  I'm talking like I felt like I could have slept 16 hours and still wanted to take a nap.  That's how tired I've been.  I feel better today thank goodness.

I'm going to start back tracking my calories again.   When I actually track, I tend to lose weight.  Funny how that all works out, isn't it 😅  And get into eating more fruit and veggies. I sort of suck at eating fruit and veggies.  I'll do ok for 1-2 days, then well, I kind of slack off.  I need to only slack off 1 day and eat them 6 days, cause its not only good for weight loss, but its just good for me.  Why can't broccoli taste more like chocolate? 


  1. I know what you mean. For calories I used Lose It! Because it works with so ,any devices and has a huge data base of food. There’s sections others don’t have like recording sleeping, glucose levels, measurements and notes for stuff you want to add. If you decide to check it out please use my link

    My issue is deciding if I should purchase another Fitbit. Except for the earlier versions they seem to break A LOT. Fitbit always replaces them and all, but it is annoying.

    The other thing is I get competitive and will be up at 11 pm trying to get the most steps, which isn’t a healthy mental thing for me. Yet, I like information I can track. What you can measure you can manage (Kurt Johnson says this in APY).

    Finally, I gained 50 pounds during the whole sepsis thing, some from meds, but mostly because it took forever to (and I am not there yet) get my energy level and strength back. It was bad. Showering still can wear me out, but I am walking wmd doing weights, Pilates and physical therapy stuff.

    Thoughts or ideas would be great….

  2. I use My Fitness Pal cause I've used it off and on for years and I already have a lot of the recipes we use plugged in. And I'm to lazy to do that again lol.


I took a whole week off!

My hubby is away for about 10 days.  I don't mind. He was military and gone sometimes for months after 9/11 and I'm very use to both...