Ok, if you don't want to read my blogs from back in October and early Nov, I have this workout program from Cathe Friedrich called STS or Shock Training System. Its a weight training program, that has 3 separate 4 week phases, which are called mesos.
The first 4 week is a light weight higher rep, and less rest in between reps phase. Its focus in endurance.
The second meso is a increase in weight, decrease in reps, and an increase in rest time between sets. This is the muscle building focus meso
You guessed it, the third is heavier weights, lots of rest, and not to many reps. You are going to build more muscle and strength with this meso.
I started it, but family stuff came up, the death of my MIL and I quit. I really should have gotten back to it after a couple weeks but...
Yes, there are 40 DVDs in this program. In the 3rd meso, you can either do the heavy "I have a squat rack or something similar and can do HEAVY legs" workouts, or you can do the "I don't have a squat rack, or don't want to lift super heavy so I'll do plyo stuff" legs workouts. I'm gonna go HEAVY!
My goal is to do my 3 STS workouts plus 1 spin class and 1 cardio of my choice workout.
I've been sticking my toes back into logging my food intake. I need to make sure I get enough protein in cause I do want to build muscle, and if I get more protein, I drop weight pretty easy while still eating a lot of calories which hey, isn't that what we all want???
I would also love it if Mother Nature would cooperate and get back to the warmer temps and stay there. We have literally gone from 60s-70s one day, to 30s and snowing the next. Three times in the last 4 week. My sinuses hate that. I'd like to take the grandkids out to play, go for walks etc. But nope. Today, it was like 38 degrees and it snowed. Ok none stuck to the ground, but a couple days ago, it was 60. I'm so over this. I'm ready for spring to get here and stay.
So, tomorrow, I'm doing a great fridge clean out, thowing away old food, taking a real inventory of what we have and what we need, then doing some stocking up on Sat. Time to get back to healthier eating and back to my weight loss again. Plateaus suck
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