So here are a few of the fitness related books I've got over the years. Yes, I've been collecting fitness books for decades at this point. And unless they were damaged far beyond being read anymore, or literally have just gotten lost, I've keep all of them.
Anyway, here are a few.
I was really into the New Rules of Lifting for a while, when the first 2 came out, the original NROL and the one for Women. I did a couple phases of both those. It didn't work as well as maybe it could have cause I was only using the dumbbells I had which only went up to 12-15lbs. But I did it and kept moving. I never really went on to the other workouts 😳 I got into CrossFit shortly after the first couple books came out, and I was big into that for a few years. Lost 15lbs, and was getting into pretty decent shape but work changed and my hours didn't lend me to go to CrossFit anymore. I do kind of miss it, but there really isn't a CrossFit place within an hour's drive for me, and I tried to do it alone at home it just wasn't the same.
So cause I found these, I decided to do the break-in phase of NROL until the new year. Then I'll move on.
And I did the first workout. It was actually pretty short. About 30 min, so I tacked on a 30 min walk on the treadmill at the end. It felt good to get back at it cause all weekend I was pretty lazy.
I really need to work on being more active during the weekend. Seems like here lately, I do ok with my activity level during the week, then the weekend hits and I just sit around reading, and moving as little as possible. I'm surprised at times that my FitBit doesn't message me asking me if I'm dead, or in a coma. 🤣
Maybe that's something I can work on in the new year. Making sure I move during the weekend as much as I do during the week.
What is it about weekends. Sheesh. I feel that. Enjoy your rotation!