My digging around looking for the fitness books I mentioned in my last couple blogs, I've found SO MANY FITNESS BOOKS. OMG I should be the fittest person in Iowa, even if I halfway followed those books. I'll get more pictures of some of the books I've got in a blog or two. I mean I have dozens of fitness and diet/eating style books. Man, I really should have followed more of the advice in these books, but hey, I'm getting it done now, so it's all good.
But one book I did find, ok technically 2 books I found, even though I didn't really lose them, was these.
Not my actually copy cause mine is beat up and looks horrible. But I've got this, and I've been reading it(again) cause I've read it a couple times.
And this, the follow along program
I've got this one and I've got a PDF version, which is slightly different. The PDF is a newer version, and he made a revision or two in it.
I know I've said before I was gonna do this program, and I've started it about 3 times in the past. And I usually quit about the time phase 1 is done. But I've been working on my mindset. Changing the way I think from "I never stick with any workout program" to "I can stick with this for at least 6 months" I think making my mindset that I can and I will follow this program for 6 months, then reevaluate how and where I'm doing, will help me keep going.
This program has several phases, each about 8 weeks long, with 1 week of deloading in-between phases. So i figure those deloading weeks, I'll do my workout videos/DVDs rather than the deloading program. That way I won't start thinking "I've got all these DVDs I really should do them" Well, in a couple more weeks I can do them.
Now I'm not going to start this program until the new year. I've got a plan already in place for the rest of this year, and I'm going to stick with it. Then on Jan 1, I'll start this program (again) but I'll stick with it until June. Then I'll see if I'm still enjoying myself, if I've made progress, or if I'm ready to move on.
And maybe when I'm done I still might not be the fittest person in Iowa, but I'll be a little closer.
I will be cheering you on! Finding what works best for you works best!