Sunday, July 25, 2021

Happy Birthday to me!

 So I turned 51 today.  Over half my life is over cause well, I'm planning on making it to 100!  Yep.  So I need to get my body ready for this second half of my life

I made me a list. 

Yes, my handwriting isn't the best, but in my defense, my cat Loki was attempting to eat my pen while I was writing.  There are 25 DVD and streaming workouts on this list.  I will get 22 of them done by Aug 31. So far I've done 3 so I'm doing ok I think.

And already I'm thinking of what I want to do after I'm done with this challenge.  I think by Sept 1 I'll be ready for heavy weight lifting again.  I've got a couple lifting programs I'm thinking about. One is a short thing, I think 6-8 weeks and the other is LONG term a full year, but with a new routine every 8 weeks or so.   I know I have a month to decide but I do want to say I've done both.

Maybe what I should do is do the short program, or two cause there is 2 shorter programs I've looked at,then take a couple weeks to do whatever, and move into the year long one!  Every 8 weeks they have a deload week and I could just do my videos or whatever, during that week and then go onto the next phase.

I'm going to be taking measurements again in the next few days.  UGH.  Maybe I'll wait until the first of the month cause I'm SO BLOATED from eating out tonight. Yes, we went out to eat with my oldest, her hubby and of course the most important person, my granddaughter LOL  Yep I ate all the foods 🐷

So back to reality in the morning.  I'll have lots of fuel for tomorrow's workout.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

So I made a new YouTube video

 I have 2 channels, one for beauty/lifestyle and one for fitness.

I've not been active on either for quite some time Oh, my beauty one, I did a video like Dec/Jan, but nothing since then.  My fitness one OMG well over a year!.  Way before we moved. Yep.  Been a while.

So I dug it out of mothballs and made a video.  To bad it took like 4 hours to upload the freaking video!  And its only like 9 min long.   But I also discovered that my stupid One Drive was uploading some crap at the same time, so I'm sure that slowed it up too. 

Country living is awesome.  Except the crappy internet.  I can stream.  One thing at a time.  And even then it buffers sometimes.   We keep getting word that our provider will be increasing speeds, but who know when that will actually happen.  Never I'm thinking.   And there is a rumor that we might get a new provider that will also cover our area and have faster speeds, but again, when will that be?  6 weeks from Feb 30th I'm thinking. 

Anyway, here's the video if you care to give my ramblings a look.  I'd love it if you would!  Having a few people actually cheer me on would be wonderful. Sometimes it does feel like I'm 100% alone in trying to be healthier and fitter.  Be nice to have a few "you are doing great, keep it up" once in a while.

My latest YouTube video

I also filmed the workouts I'm going to do.  I'll be editing that over the weekend and hope to get it up and going maybe Monday morning, if anyone cares, of course.  I need to take my handy dandy notebook (total Blues Clues reference) and get them all written down so I can mark them off as I go. 

Here's the notebook

Yep Wonder Woman theme.  I have loved Wonder Woman since, gee, when was the show on?  Like 1977 or so.  Slightly telling my age, but I am a grandma, so I'm probably not in my 20s anymore lol.

Hope you enjoy the video, and I'll see you next time

Friday, July 16, 2021

So I have a LOT of DVD workouts

 Want proof?   Here's most of them.  No this is not all of them. I have some in other places, but this is probably 95% of them

And quite a few of these are virgins, meaning I've not gotten around to actually DOING them yet.

So here's what I'm going to do.  So I've got this newish notebook

I'm going to pick 22 workouts from my collection.  Make it a nice blend of workouts I've done and workouts that I need to do.   Write them down in my wonderful Wonder Woman notebook here.  And then between now, and Aug 31 I'll do them, and mark them off. 

Now I know 22 workouts isn't very much in a 6 week period of time.  But well, considering I've done about that many workouts in the last 4-5 months, its a step up.

And I've also started writing down what foods I'm eating.  Not calories, not macros, just the food I stuff in my mouth.  I want to make this a habit.  Then sometime next month, I'll start writing down calories.  And after that's a habit, I'll start tracking my macros.

I need to get myself into a better state of fitness.  I want to be around for all my grandchildren,  future grandchildren, and future great-grandchildren.  I don't want to end up in the nursing home simply cause I've let myself get so weak I can't get myself on and off the toilet. The time is now!

Monday, July 5, 2021

OMG I did a workout!

 So I've been a bit on the lazy side here lately.  I'll admit it.  My favorite hobbies all involve sitting.  Playing video games, watching movies, surfing the net, reading.  They all involve sitting.   

And once you get out of the habit of working out its hard to get back into it. Or at least it is for me.   I've done a random one here or there, but nothing consistent.  And that's not going to improve my fitness level AT ALL.  Oh maybe just for that day, but take the rest of the week off and any improvement I got goes away.

So I have made a fitness planner, made some goals, and some rewards, and I WILL get my butt up, off the recliner, off my laptop, away from World of Warcraft 😨 and down to my gym and workout.

Here's what I did today.

I did the Oregon walk.  Its about a 30 min lower impact aerobic workout.  Oh a beach looking over the ocean.  I guess the beach was in the movies The Goonies, but its been 2-3 decades since I've seen that movie so I don't remember it lol.

My goals for July are to do 13 workouts.   After I do 7 workouts, I can get either a new pair of leggings, capris or workout shorts, or I can get 2 workout tank tops.

When I complete all 13 workouts, I can get a new pair of fitness shoes.  I've been eyeing either a new pair of No Bull shoes or some new Reebok Nanos. 

I'm going to mostly stick with my dvd/ streaming workout through July.  Well, that and spinning but I guess that's streaming since I stream my Peloton workouts lol.  I will do 1-2 CrossFit style workout cause I do enjoy them. Then in Aug, I'll decide what to do,  Maybe a month of CrossFit style workouts with my new Nanos or No Bulls.  

And then in Sept I might just start lifting super heavy again. Build up as much muscle as I can.  The more muscle I have the more calories I'll burn and I'm at that age where I'm losing muscle pretty easy.  I don't want to be one of those little old ladies in the nursing home who can't get themselves off the toilet cause they are not strong enough. So I'll spend a few months building muscle, getting stronger, so I won't lose more muscle mass, and I won't be one of those little old ladies in the nursing home cause I'm to weak.

I took a whole week off!

My hubby is away for about 10 days.  I don't mind. He was military and gone sometimes for months after 9/11 and I'm very use to both...