Sunday, October 31, 2021

Trying this to track

 So I'm working on different methods of tracking my progress to a fitter healthier me.    I showed one thing I've used in a blog a week or so ago.  Link.

My Fitness planner

And I do like this set up for the most part.  

But back this spring, I found a small planner YouTuber who has a small shop for planner stickers and had this

Its from a small business owner Biz Boss 365  Here's the link to her site. I don't see her fitness stuff on there right now.  I ordered a new 3 month set just a week or so ago, and she will take stuff off temp. while she catches up.  Being a small owner if you order, expect to wait a couple weeks cause she prints as she goes for the most part.  

Now, I'm getting myself set up for success for STS.  I printed out my STS cards for the week. Here they are

Sorry that third one is a bit fuzzy.  Guess I moves a little bit when taking the pic.  Anywho, they will help me track how I do on each workout.  New ones every week.  And I'll be tracking every step of the way.

And then late last night I found out what Cathe is planning for 2022.  A new workout set with heavier weight and I can't wait.   I will be getting this out of shape and not as healthy as it should be body into a better state of fitness and health!

I also signed up for the Leslie Sansone streaming site.  She's the lady who did all those Walk away the Pounds workouts in the 90s and 2000s.  I have a lot of them, but hey, new stuff esp when winter is coming (what a GoT thing to say) and its easy cardio, a good way to get my steps up and I don't have to think about it much lol.

So sometime today I need to vacuum and mop in my gym cause of COURSE a cat decided to puke down there.  Again.  UGH.  Cats.  Gotta love the little fur balls. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

I found my book!!!

 So I'm starting STS in a few days.  I've had it FOREVER.  I mean I preordered it when it first came out over 10 years ago.  More like 15 years ago I think.  Goodness, has it been that long๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Anyway, when I got the set, it came with a book, and I found it the other day.  Its really going to help me prepare for each workout. 

Here's what the cover looks like.  Yes its beat up.  I've had it quite a long time  lol

And here's a couple shots of what's inside.  

This page starts to show an overview of the rotation. 

And this page, one of many, shows every days workout, what you'll be doing, how many, etc.  This is what I'll use a lot when I'm trying to set up for each day.

Now STS is only 3 days a week, so I'll mostly try to lift M,W,F and do at least 1 cardio day, maybe 2, if I can work up to it.    Probably a day of spinning and maybe a day of a walking workout, either on the treadmill, or something like Leslie Sansone.  Or maybe some elliptical work while watching tv or dig out one of my old Tae Bo workouts. Yep, I still have a bunch of those VHS, you read that right VHS tapes.  I'm lucky enough to have a dual player for DVD and VHS. 

Now, I need to eat my lunch and get ready to leave. I'm off to I hope, buy a new printer/scanner since mine has always been a PIA and now isn't working at all and a new vacuum since mine decided it was through working as well.  Might be an expensive day. 


Sunday, October 17, 2021

My attempts at tracking fitness

 I keep going back and forth between using a planner, or making a bullet journal for tracking my fitness journey.  Both have good and bad about them. 

My main thing I don't like about bullet journals is I want it to be all artistic and pretty, but my artistic ability is about equal to my 2 year old granddaughter.  ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ   And sometimes I just don't want to do all the work in dating, and making a layout even for simple things.  I just want to plug stuff in. 

I used a bullet journal for the last 3 weeks, but I just didn't feel like doing all that, so I got this back out.

This is a Big Teacher Happy Planner that I got a different cover for.

Now this is what it actually looks like on the inside.  But I do a little switching things up. 

I white out the dates, and figure out what I want to track for the week.  I need to pick out a goal.  It says  daily goal, but I'm going to make it a weekly goal. I'm thinking of doing something like  "workout 4 days this week"  

I've slacked off this last week ,but I've been SO TIRED.  I'm talking like I felt like I could have slept 16 hours and still wanted to take a nap.  That's how tired I've been.  I feel better today thank goodness.

I'm going to start back tracking my calories again.   When I actually track, I tend to lose weight.  Funny how that all works out, isn't it ๐Ÿ˜…  And get into eating more fruit and veggies. I sort of suck at eating fruit and veggies.  I'll do ok for 1-2 days, then well, I kind of slack off.  I need to only slack off 1 day and eat them 6 days, cause its not only good for weight loss, but its just good for me.  Why can't broccoli taste more like chocolate? 

Friday, October 15, 2021

So I suck at blogging LOL

 But at least I'm getting a little stuff done fitness wise.  

I've managed to lose 3.4lbs since late Aug when I really started to loosely tracking my food intake.  

I'm trying to do a Peloton Power Zone challenge, but to be honest,  while I'm enjoying it some, its not my thing,  Cardio has NEVER been my thing.  Oh, I don't mind cardio here and there, but as the mainstay of my workouts, um NO.    So I think I'll slog through for the rest of the month then switch over to this. 

The STS system from Cathe Friedrich  A set of 40, yes, 40 workouts.  3 workouts a week, in 4 week mesocycles.  Weight training which is my jam!  I love me some weights.   

The first 4 weeks had a endurance focus.  Lots of reps, lighter weights less rest in-between sets.   Then you take a week to deload or so other stuff.

Then the next 4 weeks is muscle building.  Heavier weights, slightly fewer reps, a little more rest.  And another week off, or to do light stuff.

Then the last 4 weeks, strength.  Heaviest weights you can manage, fewer reps, and long rest periods.  This of course will be my favorite meso lol.  

I've had this set forever.  I mean since it came out several years ago.  I've done meso 1 but I've not managed the whole thing.  I want to do the whole thing. So I think Nov 1 I'm going to start it. 

I might add in 1 cardio workout and 1 yoga/stretching type of workout.  I have lost so much flexibility in the last few years  I don't want to lose anymore, and if I could manage to gain back a little, that would be great.

I promise, with starting the STS rotation, I'm going to blog more often.  I'll do a breakdown of the workout and how it went. I'll also take measurements before during and after my rotation.  I might even (ugh) take pictures of myself before, during and after my rotation.  

I'm planning on getting serious with tracking my calorie intake and ensuring I'm getting enough protein cause I want to build up muscle.  That's my main goal.  Build muscle and lose inches. 

I took a whole week off!

My hubby is away for about 10 days.  I don't mind. He was military and gone sometimes for months after 9/11 and I'm very use to both...